mynumber = $mynumber; $this->rootExponent = $rootExponent; $this->fifthRootMultiplyer = 1; $this->powerDivisor = 1; } function __destruct() { echo ""; } //
Object Destroyed. // 5th root approximation private function getNextPerfect5th($Num = 0) { if ($Num == 0) $Number = $this->mynumber; else $Number = $Num; //$Number = $Number * $this->fifthRootMultiplyer; $next5th = 1; $nextRoot = 1; $hit5th = 0; $hitroot = 1; while ($next5th < $Number) { //loop $hit5th = $next5th; $hitroot = $nextRoot; $nextRoot++; $next5th = pow($nextRoot, 5); } return $hitroot; } private function getApprox5thRoot($IntRoot, $offset) { $a5thrt = $IntRoot; $a = $IntRoot; $b = $offset; $error = 0; if ($IntRoot > 0) { $a = $IntRoot; $fifthPow = $a * $a * $a * $a * $a + $b; // mynumber $b = $fifthPow - pow($a, 5); $a1 = $a + 1; $mid = ($a1 * $a1 * $a1 * $a1 * $a1 - $a * $a * $a * $a * $a) / 2; $q = $b / (5 * $a * $a * $a * $a); if ($q < 0.5 || $b < $mid) { //$b < $mid && $q < 0.5 && $error < 0.1 $q = $b / (5 * $a * $a * $a * $a); if ($q > 0) { $N = $a + (1 / ((1 / $q) + (1 / (($a + $q) / 2)))); } else { $N = $a + $q; } $R = $a + ($q * $N) / ($q + $N); $S = ($fifthPow + pow($R, 5)) / (2 * pow($R, 4)); $T = ($R + $S) / 2; $U = ($fifthPow + pow($T, 5)) / (2 * pow($T, 4)); $V = ((4 * $U) + ($fifthPow / pow($U, 4))) / $this->powerDivisor; $W = $V / 5; if ($b != 0 && $fifthPow > 0) { //$Y = ($a + ($q + (2 / $U))); $Y = $a + (1 / ((1 / $q) + (1 / (($U) / 2)))); } else $Y = $a; $Z = $Y / $this->powerDivisor; $a5thrt = ($W + $Z) / 2; $pow5thrt = $a5thrt * $this->powerDivisor; } else { $a = $a + 1; /**/ $b = $offset - (5 * pow($IntRoot, 4) + 10 * pow($IntRoot, 3) + 10 * pow($IntRoot, 2) + 5 * $IntRoot + 1); $fifthPow = $a * $a * $a * $a * $a + $b; // mynumber $q = $b / (5 * $a * $a * $a * $a); if ($q != 0 && ($a + $q) > 0) { $N = $a + (1 / ((1 / $q) + (1 / (($a + $q) / 2)))); } else { $N = $a + $q; } $R = $a + ($q * $N) / ($q + $N); $S = ($fifthPow + pow($R, 5)) / (2 * pow($R, 4)); $T = ($R + $S) / 2; $U = ($fifthPow + pow($T, 5)) / (2 * pow($T, 4)); $V = ((4 * $U) + ($fifthPow / pow($U, 4))) / $this->powerDivisor; $W = $V / 5; if ($b != 0 && $fifthPow > 0) { //$Y = ($a + ($q + (2 / $U))); $Y = $a + (1 / ((1 / $q) + (1 / (($U) / 2)))); } else $Y = $a; $Z = $Y / $this->powerDivisor; $a5thrt = ($W + $Z) / 2; $pow5thrt = $a5thrt * $this->powerDivisor; } } $error = abs($fifthPow - pow($pow5thrt, 5)); if ($error > 0.000001) { $errorfix = ($fifthPow - pow($pow5thrt, 5)) / (5 * pow($pow5thrt, 4)); $a5thrt += $errorfix / $this->powerDivisor; } return $a5thrt; } private function get5thRootArray($startingNum) { //$csvStr = "Test NumberApprox RootApproximate 5th5 error x10000"; $this->fifthRootMultiplyer = 1; $this->powerDivisor = 1; $strArray = array( "Test Number" => $startingNum, "Approx Root" => 0, "Approximate 5th" => 0, "error x10000" => 0); $powerDivisor = 1; $Inverted = false; if ($startingNum == 0) { $strArray["Test Number"] = " Too Small "; return $strArray; } if ($startingNum < 1) { $startingNum = 1.0 / $startingNum; $Inverted = true; } if ($startingNum < 3125) { $this->fifthRootMultiplyer = 3125; $this->powerDivisor = 5; $powerDivisor = 5; $startingNum = $startingNum * $this->fifthRootMultiplyer; // $this->mynumber = $fifthPow; } //for small roots less than 5 if ($startingNum > 999999999999) { if ($Inverted != true) { $strArray["Test Number"] = " Too Big "; return $strArray; } else { $strArray["Test Number"] = " Too Small "; return $strArray; } } $fifthPow = $startingNum; $realIntRoot = $this->getNextPerfect5th($fifthPow); // returns realintRoot before multiplyer applied $realnextintroot = $realIntRoot + 1; if ($startingNum >= 3) { // get root of starting number $IntRoot = $this->getNextPerfect5th($startingNum); // returns intRoot after multiplyer applied $Int5thPow = pow($IntRoot, 5); $b = $fifthPow - $Int5thPow; $ApproxRoot = $this->getApprox5thRoot($IntRoot, $b); $Approx5thPow = pow($ApproxRoot, 5); $Tru5thPow = (($Int5thPow + $b)) / pow($powerDivisor, 5); $delta = $Approx5thPow - $Tru5thPow; //echo "
Test Number: " . $IntSqr . " True Root: " . $truSqrt . " Approx Root " . $ApproxRoot . " errorx100: " . round($delta*100, 6); // unset($strArray); if ($Inverted != true) { $strArray = array( "Test Number" => $Tru5thPow, "Approx Root" => $ApproxRoot, "Approximate 5th" => round($Approx5thPow, 10), "error x10000" => (number_format(round($delta * 10000, 7), 7))); } else { $strArray = array( "Test Number" => 1 / ($Tru5thPow), "Approx Root" => 1 / $ApproxRoot, "Approximate 5th" => round(1 / $Approx5thPow, 10), "error x10000" => (number_format(round($delta * 10000, 7), 7))); } } else { $strArray["Test Number"] = " Too Small "; } return $strArray; } private function display5thRootList($startingNum, $justone = true) { $csvStr = "Test NumberApprox RootApproximate 5th5 error x10000"; $powerDivisor = 1; $Inverted = false; $this->fifthRootMultiplyer = 1; $this->powerDivisor = 1; if ($startingNum == 0) return " Too Small "; if ($startingNum < 1) { $startingNum = 1.0 / $startingNum; $Inverted = true; } if ($startingNum < 3125) { // debug $this->fifthRootMultiplyer = 3125; $this->powerDivisor = 5; $powerDivisor = 5; $startingNum = $startingNum * $this->fifthRootMultiplyer; // $this->mynumber = $fifthPow; } //for small roots less than 5 if ($startingNum > 999999999999) { if ($Inverted != true) return " Too Big "; else return " Too Small "; } $fifthPow = $startingNum; $realIntRoot = $this->getNextPerfect5th($fifthPow); // returns realintRoot before multiplyer applied $realnextintroot = $realIntRoot + 1; if ($startingNum >= 3) { // get root of starting number $IntRoot = $this->getNextPerfect5th($startingNum); // returns intRoot after multiplyer applied $Int5thPow = pow($IntRoot, 5); if ($justone == false) { $is = 0; $iend = 32; //$realnextintroot - $realIntRoot; $fifthPow = 16 * $this->fifthRootMultiplyer; //*round(($realnextintroot - $realIntRoot)); if (($fifthPow / $this->fifthRootMultiplyer) <= 2) { $fifthPow = 2 * $this->fifthRootMultiplyer; } for ($i = $is; $i <= $iend; $i++) { $b = $fifthPow - $Int5thPow; $ApproxRoot = $this->getApprox5thRoot($IntRoot, $b); $Approx5thPow = pow($ApproxRoot, 5); $Tru5thPow = (($Int5thPow + $b)) / pow($powerDivisor, 5); $delta = $Approx5thPow - $Tru5thPow; //echo "
Test Number: " . $IntSqr . " True Root: " . $truSqrt . " Approx Root " . $ApproxRoot . " errorx100: " . round($delta*100, 6); if ($Inverted != true) { $csvStr .= "" . $Tru5thPow . "" . $ApproxRoot . "" . round($Approx5thPow, 10) . "" . number_format(round($delta * 10000, 7), 7) . ""; //round($delta * 100, 9) . "
"; // echo number_format(round($delta * 100, 9) ,9); } else { $csvStr .= "" . 1 / ($Tru5thPow) . "" . 1 / $ApproxRoot . "" . round(1 / $Approx5thPow, 10) . "" . number_format(round(($delta) * 10000, 7), 7) . ""; //round($delta * 100, 9) . "
"; // echo number_format(round($delta * 100, 9) ,9); } $fifthPow += $this->fifthRootMultiplyer; } } else { $b = $fifthPow - $Int5thPow; $ApproxRoot = $this->getApprox5thRoot($IntRoot, $b); $Approx5thPow = pow($ApproxRoot, 5); $Tru5thPow = (($Int5thPow + $b)) / pow($powerDivisor, 5); $delta = $Approx5thPow - $Tru5thPow; //echo "
Test Number: " . $IntSqr . " True Root: " . $truSqrt . " Approx Root " . $ApproxRoot . " errorx100: " . round($delta*100, 6); if ($Inverted != true) { $csvStr .= "" . $Tru5thPow . "" . $ApproxRoot . "" . round($Approx5thPow, 10) . "" . number_format(round($delta * 10000, 7), 7) . ""; //round($delta * 100, 9) . "
"; // echo number_format(round($delta * 100, 9) ,9); } else { $csvStr .= "" . 1 / ($Tru5thPow) . "" . 1 / $ApproxRoot . "" . round(1 / $Approx5thPow, 10) . "" . number_format(round(($delta) * 10000, 7), 7) . ""; //round($delta * 100, 9) . "
"; // echo number_format(round($delta * 100, 9) ,9); } } } else return " Too Small "; return $csvStr; } // cube root approximation private function getNextPerfectCube($Num = 0) { if ($Num == 0) $Number = $this->mynumber; else $Number = $Num; $nextCube = 1; $nextRoot = 1; $hitCube = 0; $hitroot = 1; while ($nextCube < $Number) { //loop $hitCube = $nextCube; $hitroot = $nextRoot; $nextCube = $nextCube + 3 * $nextRoot * $nextRoot + 3 * $nextRoot + 1; $nextRoot++; } return $hitroot; } private function getApproxCubeRoot($IntRoot, $offset) { $aCbrt = $IntRoot; $Cubex = $IntRoot * $IntRoot * $IntRoot + $offset; if ($IntRoot > 0 && $offset > 0) { $a = $IntRoot; $b = $offset; $Cube = $a * $a * $a + $b; $a1 = $a + 1; $mid = ($a1 * $a1 * $a1 - $a * $a * $a) / 2; if ($b < $mid) { $q = $b / (3 * $a * $a); $F = $a + $q; $G = $a + ($F * $q / ($F + $q)); $H = ($Cube + pow($G, 3)) / (2 * pow($G, 2)); $I = ($G + $H) / 2; $J = pow($I, 3); $K = ($Cube + $J) / (2 * pow($I, 2)); $K2 = $K * $K; $aCbrt = (2 * $K + ($Cube / $K2)) / 3; } else { $a = $a + 1; $b = $offset - (3 * $IntRoot * $IntRoot + 3 * $IntRoot + 1); $Cube = $a * $a * $a + $b; $q = $b / (3 * $a * $a); $F = $a + $q; $G = $a + ($F * $q / ($F + $q)); $H = ($Cube + pow($G, 3)) / (2 * pow($G, 2)); $I = ($G + $H) / 2; $J = pow($I, 3); $K = ($Cube + $J) / (2 * pow($I, 2)); $K2 = $K * $K; $aCbrt = (2 * $K + ($Cube / $K2)) / 3; } } $error = abs($Cubex - pow($aCbrt, 3)); if ($error > 0.0001) { $coeff = 1; if (abs($Cubex) < pow($aCbrt, 3)) { $coeff = -1; } $errorfix = $coeff * $error / abs(3 * $aCbrt * $aCbrt); $aCbrt += $errorfix; } return $aCbrt; } private function getCubeRootArray($startingNum) { $this->fifthRootMultiplyer = 1; $this->powerDivisor = 1; $strArray = array( "Test Number" => $startingNum, "Approx Root" => 0, "Approximate Cube" => 0, "error x10000" => 0); $rootDiv = 1; $cbDiv = 1; $Inverted = false; if ($startingNum == 0) { $strArray["Test Number"] = " Too Small "; return $strArray; } if ($startingNum < 0.009) { $startingNum = 1.0 / $startingNum; $Inverted = true; } if ($startingNum < 10) { $startingNum = 1000 * $startingNum; $rootDiv = 10; $cbDiv = 1000; } elseif ($startingNum > 999999999999) { if ($Inverted != true) { $strArray["Test Number"] = " Too Big "; return $strArray; } else { $strArray["Test Number"] = " Too Small "; return $strArray; } } if ($startingNum >= 3) { // get root of starting number $IntRoot = $this->getNextPerfectCube($startingNum); $nextintroot = (3 * $IntRoot * $IntRoot + 3 * $IntRoot + 1); $IntCube = pow($IntRoot, 3); $offset = $startingNum - $IntCube; $i = $startingNum - $IntCube; $ApproxRoot = $this->getApproxCubeRoot($IntRoot, $i) / $rootDiv; $ApproxCb = pow($ApproxRoot, 3); $TruCube = ($IntCube + $i) / $cbDiv; $delta = $ApproxCb - $TruCube; //unset($strArray); if ($Inverted != true) { $strArray = array( "Test Number" => ($IntCube + $i) / $cbDiv, "Approx Root" => $ApproxRoot, "Approximate Cube" => round($ApproxCb, 10), "error x10000" => number_format(round($delta * 10000, 7), 7)); } else { $strArray = array( "Test Number" => 1 / (($IntCube + $i) / $cbDiv), "Approx Root" => 1 / $ApproxRoot, "Approximate Cube" => round(1 / $ApproxCb, 10), "error x10000" => number_format(round(($delta) * 10000, 7), 7)); } } else { $strArray["Test Number"] = " Too Small "; } return $strArray; } private function displayCubeRootList($startingNum, $justone = true) { $csvStr = "Test NumberApprox RootApproximate CubeCube³ error x10000"; $rootDiv = 1; $cbDiv = 1; $Inverted = false; if ($startingNum == 0) { return " Too Small "; } if ($startingNum < 0.009) { $startingNum = 1.0 / $startingNum; $Inverted = true; } if ($startingNum < 10) { $startingNum = 1000 * $startingNum; $rootDiv = 10; $cbDiv = 1000; } elseif ($startingNum > 999999999999) { if ($Inverted != true) return " Too Big "; else return " Too Small "; } if ($startingNum >= 3) { // get root of starting number $IntRoot = $this->getNextPerfectCube($startingNum); $nextintroot = (3 * $IntRoot * $IntRoot + 3 * $IntRoot + 1); $IntCube = pow($IntRoot, 3); $offset = $this->mynumber - $IntCube; if ($justone == false) { for ($i = $offset - 16; $i <= $offset + 32; $i++) { $ApproxRoot = $this->getApproxCubeRoot($IntRoot, $i) / $rootDiv; $ApproxCb = pow($ApproxRoot, 3); $TruCube = $IntCube / $cbDiv; $delta = $ApproxCb - ($TruCube + $i); //echo "
Test Number: " . $IntSqr . " True Root: " . $truSqrt . " Approx Root " . $ApproxRoot . " errorx100: " . round($delta*100, 6); if ($Inverted != true) { $csvStr .= "" . ($IntCube + $i) / $cbDiv . "" . $ApproxRoot . "" . round($ApproxCb, 10) . "" . number_format(round($delta * 10000, 7), 7) . "
"; //round($delta * 100, 9) . "
"; // echo number_format(round($delta * 100, 9) ,9); } else { $csvStr .= 1 / (($IntCube + $i) / $cbDiv) . "" . 1 / $ApproxRoot . "" . round(1 / $ApproxCb, 10) . "" . number_format(round(($delta) * 10000, 7), 7) . ""; //round($delta * 100, 9) . "
"; // echo number_format(round($delta * 100, 9) ,9); } //$IntCube++; } } else { $i = $startingNum - $IntCube; $ApproxRoot = $this->getApproxCubeRoot($IntRoot, $i) / $rootDiv; $ApproxCb = pow($ApproxRoot, 3); $TruCube = ($IntCube + $i) / $cbDiv; $delta = $ApproxCb - $TruCube; //echo "
Test Number: " . $IntSqr . " True Root: " . $truSqrt . " Approx Root " . $ApproxRoot . " errorx100: " . round($delta*100, 6); if ($Inverted != true) { $csvStr .= "" . ($IntCube + $i) / $cbDiv . "" . $ApproxRoot . "" . round($ApproxCb, 10) . "" . number_format(round($delta * 10000, 7), 7) . ""; //round($delta * 100, 9) . "
"; // echo number_format(round($delta * 100, 9) ,9); } else { $csvStr .= "" . 1 / (($IntCube + $i) / $cbDiv) . "" . 1 / $ApproxRoot . "" . round(1 / $ApproxCb, 10) . "" . number_format(round(($delta) * 10000, 7), 7) . ""; //round($delta * 100, 9) . "
"; // echo number_format(round($delta * 100, 9) ,9); } } } else return " Too Small "; return $csvStr; } //Square Root Approximation private function getNextPerfectSquare($myNumber) { $nextSqr = 4; $nextRoot = 2; $hitSqr = 0; $hitroot = 2; while ($nextSqr < $myNumber) { //loop $hitSqr = $nextSqr; $hitroot = $nextRoot; $nextSqr = $nextSqr + 2 * $nextRoot + 1; $nextRoot++; } return $hitroot; } private function getApproxSquareRoot($IntRoot, $offset) { $asqrt = $IntRoot; //$Square = $IntRoot * $IntRoot + $offset; if ($IntRoot > 0 && $offset > 0) { $a = $IntRoot; $b = $offset; $Square = $a * $a + $b; if ($b < $a) { $q = $b / (2 * $a); $divisor = (4 * $a * $a) + (2 * $b) - $b / (2 * $a + 1); $asqrt = $a + $q * (1 - ($b / $divisor)); // add fix1 or 2 $ApproxSquare = $asqrt * $asqrt; $ApproxSquareError = $Square - $ApproxSquare; $asqrterror = $ApproxSquareError / (2 * $asqrt); $asqrt = $asqrt + $asqrterror; } else { $a = $a + 1; $b = $offset - (2 * $IntRoot + 1); $Square = $a * $a + $b; $q = $b / (2 * $a); $divisor = (4 * $a * $a) + (2 * $b) - $b / (2 * $a + 1); $asqrt = $a + $q * (1 - ($b / $divisor)); // add fix1 or 2 $ApproxSquare = $asqrt * $asqrt; $ApproxSquareError = $Square - $ApproxSquare; $asqrterror = $ApproxSquareError / (2 * $asqrt); $asqrt = $asqrt + $asqrterror; } } return $asqrt; } private function getSquareRootArray($startingNum, $justApproxRoot = false) { $strArray = ""; if ($justApproxRoot != true) { $strArray = array( "Test Number" => $startingNum, "Approx Root" => 0, "Approx Square" => 0, "error x10000" => 0); } $rootDiv = 1; $sqrDiv = 1; if ($startingNum == 0) { $strArray["Test Number"] = " Too Small "; return $strArray; } if ($startingNum < 10) { $startingNum = 10000 * $startingNum; $rootDiv = 100; $sqrDiv = 10000; } elseif ($startingNum > 999999999999) { $strArray["Test Number"] = " Too Big "; return $strArray; } if ($startingNum >= 3) { // get root of starting number $IntRoot = $this->getNextPerfectSquare($startingNum); $nextintroot = (2 * $IntRoot + 1); $IntSqr = $IntRoot * $IntRoot; $i = $startingNum - $IntSqr; $ApproxRoot = $this->getApproxSquareRoot($IntRoot, $i) / $rootDiv; $ApproxSqr = $ApproxRoot * $ApproxRoot; $TruSqr = ($IntSqr + $i) / $sqrDiv; $delta = $ApproxSqr - $TruSqr; if ($justApproxRoot == true) $strArray["Approx Root"] = $ApproxRoot; else { //unset($strArray); $strArray = array( "Test Number" => ($IntSqr + $i) / $sqrDiv, "Approx Root" => $ApproxRoot, "Approx Square" => round($ApproxSqr, 10), "error x10000" => number_format(round($delta * 10000, 7), 7)); } } else $strArray["Test Number"] = " Too Small "; return $strArray; } // loop thru all the numbers between 900 and 961 2n+1 private function displaySquareRootList($startingNum, $justone = true) { // starting num should be an integer square e.g. 900 root 30 $csvStr = "Test NumberApprox RootApprox Square ❏ error x10000"; $rootDiv = 1; $sqrDiv = 1; if ($startingNum == 0) { return " Too Small "; } if ($startingNum < 10) { $startingNum = 10000 * $startingNum; $rootDiv = 100; $sqrDiv = 10000; } elseif ($startingNum > 999999999999) { return " Too Big "; } if ($startingNum >= 3) { // get root of starting number $IntRoot = $this->getNextPerfectSquare($startingNum); $nextintroot = (2 * $IntRoot + 1); $IntSqr = $IntRoot * $IntRoot; if ($justone == false) { for ($i = 0; $i <= $nextintroot; $i++) { $ApproxRoot = $this->getApproxSquareRoot($IntRoot, $i) / $rootDiv; $ApproxSqr = $ApproxRoot * $ApproxRoot; $TruSqr = $IntSqr / $sqrDiv; $delta = $ApproxSqr - $TruSqr; //echo "
Test Number: " . $IntSqr . " True Root: " . $truSqrt . " Approx Root " . $ApproxRoot . " errorx100: " . round($delta*100, 6); $csvStr .= "" . $IntSqr / $sqrDiv . "" . $ApproxRoot . "" . round($ApproxSqr, 10) . "" . number_format(round($delta * 10000, 7), 7) . ""; //round($delta * 100, 9) . "
"; // echo number_format(round($delta * 100, 9) ,9); $IntSqr++; } } else { $i = $startingNum - $IntSqr; $ApproxRoot = $this->getApproxSquareRoot($IntRoot, $i) / $rootDiv; $ApproxSqr = $ApproxRoot * $ApproxRoot; $TruSqr = ($IntSqr + $i) / $sqrDiv; $delta = $ApproxSqr - $TruSqr; //echo "
Test Number: " . $IntSqr . " True Root: " . $truSqrt . " Approx Root " . $ApproxRoot . " errorx100: " . round($delta*100, 6); $csvStr .= "" . ($IntSqr + $i) / $sqrDiv . "" . $ApproxRoot . "" . round($ApproxSqr, 10) . "" . number_format(round($delta * 10000, 7), 7) . ""; //round($delta * 100, 9) . "
"; // echo number_format(round($delta * 100, 9) ,9); } } else return " Too Small "; return $csvStr; } public function getRoot($justOne = true) { $strDisplay = ""; if ($this->rootExponent == 5) { $strDisplay = $this->display5thRootList($this->mynumber, $justOne); } elseif ($this->rootExponent == 3) { $strDisplay = $this->displayCubeRootList($this->mynumber, $justOne); } else { // 2 $strDisplay = $this->displaySquareRootList($this->mynumber, $justOne); } echo '
'; echo ' '; echo $strDisplay; echo "

"; echo '
'; } public function getRootArray($startingNum = "") { $Number = $startingNum; $strArray = array(); if (strlen($Number) <= 0) $Number = $this->mynumber; //switch case $i = $this->rootExponent; switch ($i) { case 2: echo " Square Root "; $strArray = $this->getSquareRootArray($Number); break; case 3: echo " Cube Root "; $strArray = $this->getCubeRootArray($Number); break; case 5: echo " 5th Root "; $strArray = $this->get5thRootArray($Number); break; default: $strArray["Unknown"] = "???"; break; } return $strArray; } } /* Demo: */ //echo "
/* $testroot = new Root66(0.9, 5);
echo "

"; //$testroot->getRoot(false); $testroot1 = new Root66(0.0009, 5); $testroot1->getRoot(true); echo "

"; $testroot2 = new Root66(4444, 2); $ans = $testroot2->getSquareRootArray(4444); print_r($ans); $testroot3 = new Root66(8888, 3); $answer = $testroot3->getCubeRootArray(8888); print_r($answer); echo ""; echo ($testroot3->displayCubeRootList(8888, true)); echo ($testroot3->displayCubeRootList(8888, false)); echo "
"; echo "
"; $testroot = new Root66(1.4142135623731, 2); $testroot->getRoot(); $x = array(); $x = $testroot->getRootArray(); echo "
echo "
"; */ ?>